Considering Hiring a Web Accessibility Consultant? Here’s What to Look For!

by | May 7, 2023 | Digital Marketing, Insights


Hiring a web accessibility consultant requires careful consideration and evaluation of candidates. By defining your needs, researching potential consultants, evaluating their knowledge and expertise, and determining their pricing and timeline, you can find a consultant who will help you create an online experience providing access and inclusion for everyone. Let me guide you through that process.


Looking for a quick video tutorial? Check out part 1: Why Is Web Accessibility Important? and part 2: How Do You Achieve Web Accessibility?

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What web accessibility consultants actually do, how much they typically charge, and how to hire one for your website marketing needs

Web accessibility means designing and developing websites, tools, and technologies that everyone, including individuals with disabilities, can use. It’s a vital part of digital inclusion, ensuring equal access to the internet’s wealth of information and services. In my years of experience, I’ve seen how an accessible web designer (and developer!) transformed user experience, engagement, and satisfaction.

Website accessibility consultants are experts in their field, providing guidance and advice on website design and development accessibility best practices. In this article, we’ll explore what a web accessibility consultant does, how much they typically cost, and how to hire one.

ADA Compliance Testing and Ensuring Digital Inclusivity and web accessibility

What Do They Do?

Web accessibility consultants work with individuals and organizations to ensure that their websites and other digital content are accessible to people with disabilities. They provide guidance and recommendations on how to design, develop, and test websites to ensure that they meet accessibility standards and guidelines, and in spirit, offer ADA compliance.

A web accessibility consultant may perform a range of services, including:

  1. Accessibility audits: An accessibility audit report reflects the evaluation of a website or digital content to identify any barriers or accessibility issues that prevent people with disabilities from using it. The consultant will conduct a thorough analysis of the website or digital content to determine whether it meets accessibility standards and guidelines as set forth in WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1.
  2. Web accessibility testing: Involves using assistive technology tools, like a screen reader, and techniques to test a website’s accessibility. This testing process can help identify any issues that may prevent people with disabilities from using the website.
  3. Accessibility remediation: Accessibility remediation involves fixing any accessibility issues that were identified during an audit or testing. The WCAG consultant will work with the website or content owner to ensure that any issues are addressed and the website or content is accessible to people with disabilities.
  4. Accessibility training: Accessibility training involves educating website owners, designers, and developers on accessibility best practices and guidelines. The consultant may provide customized training tailored to the specific needs of the organization or individuals.
  5. Accessibility policy development: Developing an accessibility policy is critical to ensuring that a website or digital content is accessible to people with disabilities. The consultant can help develop an accessibility policy that outlines the organization’s commitment to accessibility and provides guidance on how to achieve accessibility goals.
  6. Accessibility compliance: Web accessibility standards and guidelines are constantly evolving, and it’s essential to ensure that a website or digital content remains compliant with these technical standards. The consultant can provide ongoing support to ensure that the website or content remains accessible over time.


World's population who experience some form of disability*

How Much Do They Cost?

The cost of hiring a web accessibility consultant varies depending on several factors, including the scope of work, the consultant’s experience and qualifications, and the duration of the project. In general, the cost of hiring a website accessibility consultant can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

Here are some of the factors that can influence the hiring cost:

  1. Scope of work: The scope of work refers to the specific services that the consultant will provide. For example, a full accessibility audit cost, including testing and remediation, will be greater than a consultant who only provides accessibility training. Some web accessibility consultants will offer free online resources while also offering in-person training sessions that can cost thousands of dollars per person.
  2. Consultant experience and qualifications: The more experienced and qualified the consultant is, the higher their fees are likely to be. Professionals who specialize in accessibility consulting for websites and possess certifications or advanced degrees in web accessibility may charge more than those without.
  3. Duration of the project: The length of the project can also impact the cost of hiring a digital accessibility consultant. Shorter projects may be charged at a higher hourly rate, while longer projects may be charged at a lower hourly rate.
  4. Type of organization: The type of organization hiring the consultant can also impact the cost. Large corporations or government agencies may have more extensive accessibility needs and budgets than smaller businesses or non-profit organizations.

It’s important to work with a consultant who has expertise in web accessibility and can provide customized solutions that meet the organization’s needs and budget.


Homepages with detectable WCAG 2.1 failures†

How to Hire a Web Accessibility Consultant for your Website Marketing Needs

Hiring a web accessibility consultant is becoming increasingly important for companies and organizations to ensure they are meeting legal requirements and creating inclusive online experiences for all users. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Define your needs: Before searching for a web accessibility consultant, it’s important to understand your organization’s specific needs. This includes identifying the scope of your project, your budget, and the level of accessibility you want to achieve. Some consultants specialize in certain aspects of accessibility, so defining your needs will help you narrow down your search.
  2. Research consultants: There are many consultants out there, so it’s important to research and evaluate potential candidates. You can start by asking for recommendations from colleagues or industry groups. You can also search online for web accessibility consulting firms or freelance accessibility consultants. When evaluating consultants, consider factors such as their experience, qualifications, certifications, and references.
  3. Evaluate their knowledge and expertise: Once you have a shortlist of potential consultants, evaluate their knowledge and expertise in web accessibility. This can be done through an initial consultation or interview, where you can ask questions about their experience, qualifications, and knowledge of accessibility guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG conformance). You can also ask for examples of their work or case studies that demonstrate their expertise.
  4. Review their approach and methodology: A good website accessibility consulting professional should have a clear approach and methodology for assessing and improving web accessibility. Ask potential consultants to explain their process and how they will work with your team. Look for consultants who prioritize user testing and command fluency in accessibility testing tools, while involving people with disabilities in the assessment process. Also, consider how the consultant will deliver their findings and recommendations, and whether they will provide ongoing support and training.
  5. Consider their communication skills: Effective communication is essential. Look for someone who can communicate complex accessibility concepts in a clear and understandable way, and who is responsive to your questions and concerns. Also, consider whether the consultant will be a good fit with your team and organization culture.
  6. Determine their pricing and timeline: Finally, consider the consultant’s pricing and timeline. Ask for a detailed proposal that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, timeline, and pricing. Compare proposals from different consultants to ensure you are getting a fair and competitive price. Also, consider whether the consultant can meet your timeline and whether they offer any guarantees or warranties.


Websites that are inaccessible to those with disabilities†

Hiring a web accessibility consultant requires careful consideration and evaluation of candidates. By defining your needs, researching potential consultants, evaluating their knowledge and expertise, reviewing their approach and methodology, considering their communication skills, and determining their pricing and timeline, you can find a consultant who will help you create a more inclusive online experience for all users.

Ready to take the next step towards an accessible website? Reach out to Bonhomie Creative today, and let’s make your online presence inclusive for all. With my expertise and personalized approach, I’ll help you navigate the process seamlessly.

*Source: World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank
†Source: WebAIM Million report

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