Bonhomie’s Picks: 3 Best Free Email Marketing Tools and Services to Boost Your Campaigns

by | Jul 16, 2023 | Email Marketing, Insights, Marketing Automation


Email marketing is a vital component of a successful digital marketing strategy, and the availability of free tools and services makes it accessible to businesses of all sizes. In my experience, the 3 best free email marketing tools and services each offer unique features, user-friendly interfaces, and the ability to reach and engage your target audience effectively without breaking the bank.

Want to jump right to the best free email marketing tools? Yours for the clicking below:

Boosting Your Marketing Efforts with Efficiency and Effectiveness

In today’s digital landscape, email marketing is a must-have strategy for businesses and marketers like us who want to connect with our target audience in a meaningful way. It’s not just about sending messages—it’s about crafting personalized communications that build relationships and drive conversions.

If you’re working with a tight budget or simply want to explore options before diving into premium tools, I’ve outlined the 3 best free email marketing tools below. These tools are a fantastic starting point, offering powerful features, ease of use, and comprehensive solutions to help you run successful marketing campaigns and reach your potential customers effectively.

Mailchimp logo - among 3 Best Free Email Marketing Tools


At the risk of “picking a favorite child,” when it comes to email marketing platforms, Mailchimp is my top pick, and I use it daily in my email marketing efforts. It’s incredibly popular and user-friendly, making it a go-to choice for many. With Mailchimp’s free plan, you can send up to 12,000 emails each month to a subscriber list of up to 2,000 contacts. Whether you’re a small business owner or part of a large enterprise, Mailchimp offers a range of features that simplify the email marketing process and help you achieve great results.


Average email open rate across all industries per Mailchimp

Key Features:

  • User-friendly Interface: Mailchimp’s drag-and-drop email editor makes creating attractive email campaigns a simple task, even for those without design experience.
  • Automation: The platform provides marketing automation features, enabling you to set up triggered emails, welcome series, and abandoned cart emails, saving time and maximizing engagement with your target market.
  • Audience Segmentation: Mailchimp allows you to segment your subscriber list based on various criteria, including behavioral segmentation, ensuring personalized and targeted content delivery.
  • Reporting and Analytics: With detailed analytics that offer basic data visualization, you can track email performance, open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and more, gaining insights to optimize future campaigns.
  • Integration: Mailchimp seamlessly integrates with various third-party apps and services, streamlining your marketing efforts.


  • Intuitive interface for easy email creation
  • Powerful automation features
  • Robust analytics and reporting
  • Excellent scalability and integration options


  • Limited features on the free plan
  • Limited customer support on the free plan
Brevo email logo - among 3 Best Free Email Marketing Tools

Brevo (formerly SendinBlue)

Brevo is another top contender in the realm of free email marketing tools, offering a generous free plan with up to 300 emails per day to an unlimited number of subscribers. It is a great choice for businesses of all sizes, particularly those looking for a comprehensive marketing solution with email and SMS marketing capabilities.

Million emails sent every day through Brevo

Key Features:

  • Email and SMS Marketing: Brevo stands out by providing not only email marketing but also SMS marketing capabilities, helping you reach your audience across different channels.
  • Personalization: The platform enables you to create personalized content and tailor messages according to your subscribers’ preferences, enhancing engagement.
  • Workflow Automation: Brevo offers marketing automation tools that allow you to set up workflows based on user behavior, making your campaigns more targeted and effective.
  • Transactional Emails: The platform supports transactional emails, ensuring critical notifications and order confirmations are delivered promptly.
  • Robust Contact Management: Brevo’s contact management system lets you organize and segment your audience efficiently.


  • Inclusion of SMS marketing functionality
  • Workflow automation for targeted campaigns
  • Transactional email support
  • Comprehensive contact management


  • Daily email sending limit on the free plan
  • Limited A/B testing capabilities on the free plan
Benchmark Email logo - among 3 Best Free Email Marketing Tools

Benchmark Email

Benchmark Email is a powerful email marketing tool that offers an attractive free plan suitable for small businesses, bloggers, and non-profit organizations. With a free plan that allows up to 500 subscribers and 500 emails per month, Benchmark Email empowers users with a range of features to create engaging email campaigns.

Email marketers worldwide empowered by Benchmark

Key Features:

  • Responsive Email Design: Benchmark Email provides a wide range of responsive email templates, ensuring your emails look great on any device.
  • A/B Testing: The platform allows you to conduct A/B testing on subject lines and content to optimize your campaigns for better results.
  • List Building Tools: Benchmark Email offers various list building and sign-up forms to grow your subscriber base effectively.
  • RSS-to-Email: With RSS-to-Email automation, you can automatically send blog updates to your subscribers, enhancing content dissemination.
  • Integrations: Benchmark Email integrates with popular tools like WordPress, Shopify, and Zapier, enhancing your email marketing capabilities.


  • Responsive email templates for professional designs
  • A/B testing for campaign optimization
  • Easy-to-use list building tools
  • RSS-to-Email automation for content distribution


  • Limited monthly email sending on the free plan
  • Fewer automation features compared to other platforms

Elevate Your Email Marketing with Top Free Tools

Email marketing is a crucial element of a winning digital marketing strategy, and the great news is that free tools and services make it accessible for businesses of all sizes. Just as you’d carefully choose the best web hosting solutions for your business, you should explore the top 3 free email marketing tools: Mailchimp, Brevo, and Benchmark Email. Each of these tools offers unique features, user-friendly interfaces, and the capability to effectively engage and grow your audience.

From my own experience, I can confidently say that leveraging these tools can significantly enhance your email marketing efforts, build strong customer relationships, and drive business growth—all without stretching your budget.

Be sure to assess your specific needs and select the tool that aligns best with your marketing goals for the best results.

And if you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bonhomie Creative!


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